Experience setting up the DxBAT system for live simulations with students --1st time2nd time3rd or 4th time> 5th time Before today's session, how comfortable did you feel setting up the DxBAT system --VERY COMFORTABLESOMEWHAT COMFORTABLENOT COMFORTABLE During today's session, did the system have any technical glitches? (i.e. software crashes, battery running out, etc.) From today's session, please list any usage instructions students may have forgotten (i.e. placing fingers on the perimeter, not calibrating stethoscope, etc.) From today's session, please list any usage instructions SPs may have forgotten (i.e. starting/stopping scenario, etc.) During today's session, did you ever have to stop the simulation because any of these glitches? --NOYES, once or twiceYES, many times During today's session, how comfortable on average do you think students felt while using the DxBAT system? NOT SUREVERY COMFORTABLESOMEWHAT COMFORTABLENOT COMFORTABLE During today's session, how comfortable on average do you think SPs felt while using the DxBAT system? NOT SUREVERY COMFORTABLESOMEWHAT COMFORTABLENOT COMFORTABLE During today's session, did you ever feel students were not hearing what they were supposed to? YESNONOT SURE Based on your overall experience with the DxBAT up to this point, do you think it will increase the value of SP-based clinical encounters? --YESPROBABLY YESMAYBEPROBABLY NOTNO Other info / Suggestions