Year in school preMedMS1MS2MS3MS4PGx Experience using the DxBAT system --1st time2nd time3rd or 4th time> 5th time During today's encounter, how easy was it to use the DxBAT system? --VERY EASYEASYMEDIUMHARDVERY HARD During today's encounter, how often did you hear a bleeping sound when placing the stethoscope? --NEVERONCE OR TWICEABOUT HALF THE TIMEALMOST ALWAYS During today's encounter, how would you rate the quality of the sounds you heard? --CLEAR, easy to identifyJUST OK, still identifiableBAD, hard to identify During today's encounter, do you think the auscultatory findings correlated to the clinical presentation? YESNONOT SURE Overall, how comfortable do you now feel using the DxBAT --VERY COMFORTABLESOMEWHAT COMFORTABLENOT COMFORTABLE Based on your overall experience with the DxBAT up to this point, do you think it will increase the value of SP-based clinical encounters? --YESPROBABLY YESMAYBEPROBABLY NOTNO Other info / Suggestions